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Gurudwara Isher Prakash KhubiaNangal Bilaspur U.P.

ShrimanSant Baba Gurdeep Singh ji has blessed KhubiaNangalBilaspur District-Rampur U.P. In year 1988, the foundation stone of GurudwaraIsher Prakash KhubiaNangal was combinelylaid by the five pyaras. Before that Mataji, Mata Balwinder Kaur ji(sangatkemataji) along with five Gursikhs went to Sri Ratwara Sahib and requested to bless the place KhubiaNangal so that the construction of the Gurudwara Sahib Starts soon. Baba WariyamSinghJi gifted a BRICK wrapped in a piece of white cloth with lots of blessings. Which was handed over to Baba Gurdeep Singh Ji. In 2001, the foundation stone of the new building of Gurudwara Sahib was laid by ShrimanSant Baba Wariyam Singh Ji, by joining the five pyaraswhich has today become a big center of Sikhism.

Here on the 1st day of every English month, GurmatSatsang and Amrit Sanchar is done regularly. In this Gurudwara Sahib, the Guru kaLangar, teaching of Gurbani and Kirtan to children and Shri Akhand Path Sahib goes on all the time.
Here, where GurudwaraIsher Prakash KhubiaNangal is now, the three sons of SardarJagir Singh, SardarKaram Singh, SardarJoginder Singh and SardarSantokh Singh donated five acres of land to Baba Gurdeep Singh Ji. Later, rest of the land of GurudwaraIsher Prakash KhubiaNangal has been bought with the help of the sangat.

In this Gurudwara Sahib, Shri Akhnad Path Sahib as well as Shri Japu Ji Sahib goes on continuously all the times in the Darbar Sahib. Continuous Simran goes at this Holy place. There are residential rooms for the sangat to stay. Here, Sikhs serve by offering as much logistics as possible with accompaniment. Once an old lady brought flour in a matchbox. Baba Ji saw that Mother, what is this? Mother started crying and told- Baba Ji! In the satsang I had heard from your mouth that a pair of birds lived in the house of a poor Sikh. They used to bring flour, pulses from that house in his beak and put it in the Guru's langars, so in this way the poverty of that poor Sikh was cut. I am also very poor. There is no flour to eat in the house. Yesterday the son brought some flour. Yes, I have put some flour in the matchbox and brought it for Guru's Langars.

Seeing this feeling of her, Baba Ji got tears in his eyes. Baba ji pleased and cut the poverty of that mother. Now there is a lot of wealth in that mother's house, there is no shortage. Now that mother comes on every Diwan held on this Holy place. By offering the necessary logistics to the Guru Ghar, she thanks Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Baba Ji planted endless trees for the purity of the environment, in which Peepal, Banyan, Berry, Teak, Rosewood, papular, mango, eucalyptus, pakhar, neem etc. are prominent. Phulwari(Beautiful Garden) has also been installed. Baba Ji was strictly against cutting any tree.

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